Question by Sarreola: What are quick diets to jump start a sensible diet plan?
I want a quick 1-7 day quick diet to jump start my regular diet. Just to flush out toxins and to get my body ready for diet and workout. Please help
Best answer:
Answer by o;o
changing your diet to only healthy foods is the best thing you can do and will ensure you will lose weight if combine with walking everyday especially.
you can eat how much you like if you stay within these 3 guidelines and still lose fat naturally and gradually. You should lose 10lbs each month on average. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains (Asian basmati or jasmine rice gives lots of energy and can be found at your local oriental/asian market or some super markets), & yogurt..2. drink only water, juice, & milk..3. walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.
(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer and a rice cooker ((Both Very cheap)) .which, used together make it very easy to prepare very nutritional, healthy meals ,,add a bit of olive oil , diced garlic, pepper, sliced lemon and spices on top of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to add more taste if wish as these are healthy too.)
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