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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Best Diet Pills in stores?

Question by Katy: Best Diet Pills in stores? What are some of the best fast-acting diet pills/diuretics that may cause a ten pound deficit when taking? Heard some mixed views on pills such as Hollywood Diet Tea, Dexatrim, etc. I'm not one usually to try pills to lose a bit of weight, but exercise alone and diet is not cutting it in the the time I would like. Thanks!!

Best answer:

Answer by Citygirl2188
Try taking cinnamon. It's healthier for you then diet pills. If you aren't very overweight than I wouldn't recommend taking anything without your doctors approval. Even if it IS over the counter. Diet pills are very dangerous and don't have to be approved by the FDA. Try natural things instead or see your doctor. See this link about the cinnamon:

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