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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

is this a relistic healthy plan to drop 2 dress sizes?

Question by : is this a relistic healthy plan to drop 2 dress sizes? 2 yogurts for breakfast (200 cals) cycle 25mins to work 100g grapes (60 cal) marmite wholegrain roll (200 cals) banana (100 cal) cycle 25 mins home sensible portion of dinner (500-700 cal) i also will try and go to the gym about twice a week and i have hockey on a wednesday night. is this a realistic plan to drop a few dress sizes? basically iv just upped my exercise and cut down on junk! i aim to drop 2lbs a week..

Best answer:

Answer by sand372
Try the recommendation for Fat Burners on the following links. Phen375 act as a appetite suppressant as well except for being a Fat Burner. Fat Burner would help you burn more fat during your workouts and control what you are eating during the day.

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