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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How can I lose weight when...?

Question by : How can I lose weight when...? I am 15 years old, and I am about 110 pounds over weight. I weigh 220 pounds, and I am 5'1 so I'm supposed to weigh anywhere from 101- 112 pounds.. I want to weigh about 105 or somewhere close to that. Now that you know that, my family has been eating out like every single night. I don't want to eat out anymore, or at least not as often. We literally have like no food in our fridge because we eat out non stop. My mom works so by the time she gets home we have no time to go to the store and cook. We are going shopping after she gets home today, What are some snack type things I can pick up with are healthy and will keep me full. I would like to know what types of foods i should get. fruits,veggies, ... what else?? What are healthy sandwhiches i can make? healthy breakfasts.. healthy dinners I know that i wont loose 100+ pounds by diet alone...

Best answer:

Answer by Charlene
I can recommend for a highly effective diet pill to lose weight quite quickly Good luck!

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