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Sunday, December 29, 2013

What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future?

Question by celis24: What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future? What are the safest diet pills? What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant later? Ive heard some can make you have at least 3 miscarriage's before being able to carrying a healthy baby to full term.

Best answer:

Answer by cupidgirl.
diet pills are not healthy or effective long-term they reap havoc on the endocrine system; the function in our body which regulates everything from body temperature to hair growth to hormones & skin condition. & will most certainly not create an ideal environment in which a baby may survive. eat healthy & get moderate exercise. you can start by walking 30 min/day & you will be doing a world of good for yourself & your baby.

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