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Monday, February 17, 2014

An example of a grueling diet?

Question by Rachel: An example of a grueling diet? You hear these companies talking about "no more grueling diets." What is a grueling diet??

Best answer:

Answer by Iustina
Those diets that make you starve , that advise you to eat a little amount of food. The kind of diet that usually leads to anorexia.. gastric ulcer or other such disease. People that keep a grueling diet usually lose weight all of a sudden but when they stop , hey put on more weight than before starting the diet. :*I hope I helped (a grueling diet=a drastic diet)

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Anyone know any effective diets?

Question by : Anyone know any effective diets? Anyone know any good diets? Any experiences?

Best answer:

Answer by shabs
non processecd foods and ex

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Which diet is the most effective?

Question by Philthy_But_Clean: Which diet is the most effective? Out of the following diets, which diet contributes to fastest weight loss? 1. Atkins diet 2. South Beach diet 3. Blood type diet. 4. GI diet Thanx for your time.

Best answer:

Answer by Bahos
Atkins but it's to damn risky and dangerous but what can I say more than you can't have your pie and eat it in the same time, there's a price to pay all the time.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

sonoma diet safe?

Question by Fabforty 4: sonoma diet safe? Is the Sonoma diet safe? Any good reviews of the Sonoma diet?

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica P
Yes it is safe. The sonoma diet consists of eating healthy nutritious food. The Sonoma Diet was invented by Connie Guttersen. The Snoma ddiet is a low-carbohydrate diet / low sugar diet.The core of the diet plan is eating approved "power foods" that are healthy and intensely flavorful. Another key concept behind the diet program is managing portion sizes and eating approved foods. The 10 power foods are: Almond, Bell peppers,Broccoli, Blueberries, Grapes, Olive oil, Spinach, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Whole grains. The Sonoma Diet has three phases also called waves. The first phase lasts 10 days and is the most restrictive phase, allowing the smallest number of foods and the smallest portion sizes. During this phase carbohydrate and sugar consumption is greatly reduced. In the second phase a wider variety of foods are allowed. You remain in Phase two until you achieve your target weight. Phase three is the maintenance stage and you are allowed to eat a wider variety of foods. More info on the Sonoma Diet can be found here: I had great succuss with this diet. I highly recommend it. Let me know how you make out with it

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?

Question by : Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut? If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut? Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Ulrina
Probiotic bacteria rely on complex carbohydrate to function and I'm afraid a low carb diet can seriously affect that. Even with the probiotics, the bacteria can't work effectively without the carbohydrates as fuel so I really would not recomend this as a diet. X

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2U

Music video by Sinéad O'Connor performing Nothing Compares 2 U. Taken from the album 'I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got' Buy Sinead O'Connor's Greatest Hits o...

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Protein Shake ( Animal Free) For Men Weight Loss! #809

This is a meal plan based on my 30 Day MLG CHALLENGE to lose weight! Thirty days of High protein consumption based on a plant based Shake meal plan. Please a... Video Rating: 5 / 5

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