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Saturday, December 14, 2013

I am looking for a good diet pill!?

Question by tayluuuuuh bby(:: I am looking for a good diet pill!? I am looking for a diet pill that surpresses my appetite! I am trying to promote eating healthy and excersise daily but I cant help it! I am hungry all the time and have no energy! So i am looking for pills that also give me energy while surpressing my appetite! Please share your personal success stories and recommendations! (I dont trust amazon anymore with their phony reviews! Rather hear it from real people!) :)

Best answer:

Answer by Lee Lemon
"I am hungry all the time and have no energy!" That's because you're not eating enough. While people like to make calories seem evil, the fact is that calories are the body's energy source. Exercise puts a demand on your energy levels, so you need to eat more food to sustain energy levels and to see the results you want. Food is not the enemy, it is your fuel.

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