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Friday, December 6, 2013

Can I take Phen375 to help me in weight loss?

Question by Jasmine: Can I take Phen375 to help me in weight loss? I'm 14 years old and have a lot of trouble losing the 96 lbs I need to. According to my doctor I am seriously overweight for my age and height. I'm 5'4" making my ideal weight 130 lbs but I'm 226 lbs. I have heard nothing but good news about these pills and would like to use them for myself. I just need to know if I can because of my age. My mother and father are willing to pay so that isn't a problem. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you all ahead of time.

Best answer:

Answer by ryanco64
It just makes you want to eat less. It still won't matter if what little you eat is still junk though, that weight is going nowhere unless you change your diet and start exercising.

What do you think? Answer below!

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