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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Does anyone know how low my blood pressure needs to be to be prescribed phentermine?

Question by wendolyn8667: Does anyone know how low my blood pressure needs to be to be prescribed phentermine? So I have my blood pressure down to 135/90, but I know normal is in the 120's, anyone worked for a diet doc before and can help me out with this? I'm trying so hard to lose my weight, but I really need a strong appetite suppressant to give me a good push

Best answer:

Answer by BlueBird
The normal is between 80 and 120, and an appetite suppressant won't nessasarily help you loose weight, if your hungry after exercise, its because you're out of energy, if you take the suppressant, you won't be hungry... you will be really really tired, and slowly get slugish and lazy, just keep at it the way you're going, it will be better for you in the long run. good luck.

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