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Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to loose weight for a 15 year old going onto 16?

Question by nadia: How to loose weight for a 15 year old going onto 16? I am 5'6 and a half I am 15 going onto 16 in may and I weigh 196 I think my family mostly eats organic and are really thin but I love carbohydrates and I tend to overeat I don't like to excercise but I am willing to loose weight it's gonna be really hard but I am willing to diet is gonna be hard but i am really willing to I want to loose at least 20 pounds to 10 at least by my birthday at least 2 pounds per week so I can see progress! thanks please nothing I have to pay for or requiring to buy thanks! also if it can work around A REALLY busy schedule and school!

Best answer:

Answer by urs_truly
I'm 15 also going on to 16 . I'm 5'4 and a half and 105 pounds.. The best way the fastest actually is to go ... Vegan for a few weeks.. If u don't like that try lean meats. I luv to eat carbs too its hard not to eat when I m bored so I. Under stand ur situation. Motivation is the way to success if u r motivated ur more likely to achieve goals. Maybe you should eat whole veggie foods lean meat and definately stay away from any processed foods. For a week stay that way and don't even eat dairy products. Exercise, u don't need to hit the gym all the time how ever simple floor execersises like ab work out can tone u down. also see where most of ur fat gets concentrated and focus in working it out like for example for me its my luv handles. I suggested this plan to my friend she lost 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Also sleep, sleeping on ur excess calories can burn them too. Hope I helped good luck!

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