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Sunday, December 8, 2013

What is a Strong Appetite Suppressant Pill?

Question by Christa Schwartzman: What is a Strong Appetite Suppressant Pill? I'm looking for a STRONG appetite suppressant pill. I already know the natural ways of suppressing your appetite with a fiber and eggs and what not. Also something not too terribly expensive. I have a very large appetite. Even following a 1500 calorie diet is extremely hard for me as I just still feel hungry. I just need a little extra help. Any recommendations? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Steve
There's a natural way to suppress your appetite: Apples - One large apple supplies approximately 5 grams of fiber, which fills the stomach up for a longer period of time. Flaxseeds - Sprinkle these little appetite suppressants into your yogurt or cottage cheese and you’ll provide your body with some slow-digesting fats to go along with the protein that’s already very satisfying. Caffeine - Most noted for its energizing effect along with its ability to help keep you awake during that mid-morning meeting. When taken in moderate doses, however, as the central nervous system is stimulated, you’ll also tend to experience a decreased appetite. Water - Staying well hydrated is another very important thing you must do if you hope to prevent hunger. Hoodia - Originated from Africa primarily used by hunters when out on a hunting expedition to prevent hunger pains. It can take a few days to exert its affects; if you don’t feel anything at first, wait it out before making judgments. Chicken & Vegetable Soup - Starting your meal off with soup is another way to reduce your appetite. Hot liquids in general tend to take the edge off hunger. Wasabi - Spicy foods also helps to suppress the appetite. Oatmeal - Starting your day off with unsweetened oatmeal is a great way to prevent hunger later on in the morning. Salmon - Salmon works well to reduce your appetite due to the healthy fat it contains. However, if you insist on OTC appetite suppressants these are the best: UniqueHoodia Phen375 Capsiplex

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