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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Does Phen375 diet pill work?

Question by clcody87: Does Phen375 diet pill work? Just started taking the Phen375 diet pill, wanting to try something new. Does it really work? If so, how much weight did you lose? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by EddySays
I've been in a running battle with the con artists peddling this bogus diet product. They claim it is FDA approved. It is not. A new "trick" the supplement peddlers make is to state on their website or product: "product is manufactured in a facility that meets FDA standards". I can make fertilizer in a facility that meets FDA standards but you wouldn't use it to lose weight. By the way, google "phentemine", their primary ingredient. The only pages that come up are for Phen375. Why? Because they are intentionally misleading you to believe they are using a legitimate drug called phentermine. They cannot use the real drug because it needs a prescription. If you bought this crap online, go to the terms and conditions at the bottom of the web site and see if you are signed up for an expensive "auto ship" program. They really get your money then! Good luck.

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