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Sunday, December 8, 2013

What is phen375 side effects?

Question by salman: What is phen375 side effects? Hello Everybody anyone can tell me the Phen375 side effects I have read on phen375 side effects on But anybody tell the real side effects of phen375 fat burner

Best answer:

Answer by Kim S.
Hi, I have some experience with Phen375. First of all I would like to say there is much misleading information on the internet because there is another pill called Phentermine and it is not the same as Phen375. Some people that use Phentermine get very bad side effects and then they write about it and other people mix up these two products. Phen375 is kinda very safe to use, however yes, there can be some side effects. It is all natural ingredients diet pill but still you have to be cautious when using it. If you have some health related issues with your heart, diabetes or kidneys you should ask your physician about it. Also I think it's not recommended for pregnant women - this is logical. Some people feel more heat in whole body after taking Phen375. It's because it increases the cellular metabolism in the body and body burns more energy even if there is no physical exercise. This is why you feel warmer. Sometimes a tingling sensation is followed - but this is ok because the blood flow can be increased and your body isn't used to it. Some people can feel sick, but usually this is because they have some kind of problem with their health and they are unaware of it. This could happen if you have a diabetes, or at least some slight problems with pancreas or maybe liver function. If any of the side effects come up you should always talk with the doctor and explain what is happening and that you take these pills, they will examine you and figure out if it is ok for you to take or no. However Phen375 used to be pharmacy grade pill. Later they changed it to all natural ingredients, however they didn't reduce the "power" of the pill itself. All the ingredients are FDA approved and for 4 straight years it's been a top selling pill in many countries. Around 35% of costumers re-order the pills, which means they are so satisfied with the product they buy it again. By the way that is high % of re-order, compared with other diet pills on the market. I would definitively recommend you to try it out, if you need any additional info you can check my source link for a good review. Hope this answer helped, cya and good luck! :-)

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