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Buy Phen375

Thursday, December 19, 2013

(Diet Pill Phen375) plz ans if u have tried it.?

Question by 00198500: (Diet Pill Phen375) plz ans if u have tried it.? does it really work?did u lose any weight?if so, how much in how many days?

Best answer:

Answer by l_rougeau79
I took it and it does help with food cravings and gives me energy. I took Phen 37.5, water pills and a energy / fat burner shot. With the pills and exercise I lost 35lbs. in 2 mths. Alot of mine was water weight tho. So I decided to get off the pills and just stay exercising and I have only lost 5 more lbs and have problems with food cravings and energy. I have been off them for almost 2 mths now. I really need to get back on them.

What do you think? Answer below!

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