Buy Phen375
Buy Phen375

Thursday, December 19, 2013

plz ans if u have tried it (Diet Pill Phen375)?

Question by 00198500: plz ans if u have tried it (Diet Pill Phen375)? DOES THIS WORK?DID U LOSE ANY WEIGHT? HOW MUCH IN HOW MANY DAYS? DID U EXERCISE ATOLL?

Best answer:

Answer by Daisy.
Diet pills are a waste of money and don't work, and some have nasty side effects. No pill, potion, patch or supplement will help. Please don't fall for all the spam adverts you see. All you need to lose weight is a good healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg - it takes time and motivation. There is no quick fix :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Buy Phen375 NOW and Start Losing Weight Fast

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