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Monday, December 16, 2013

Diet pills question, should I use them for my first couple of pounds orrrrr last!?

Question by Melissa: Diet pills question, should I use them for my first couple of pounds orrrrr last!? I'm having a trouble sticking to a diet + I'm a foodie! I LOVE FOOD LIKE CRAZYY! Anyways, I started dieting for 3 years now, but haven't lost weight.. Instead I've gained actually So I wanna try diet pills I already bought them, Soooo me question is Should me consume them while losing me first pounds or my last pounds? Thank you! Sank you! Arigato Gozaimashtoa! In advanceno~;*** I have too much weight to lose which means a REAAAAALLY long way to go

Best answer:

Answer by A
Diet pills can't always be the answer. If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner you will have to have the willpower to do so. Downsizing and substituting fast food with healthier options would be best. Drinking more water and beginning to exercise would also be a good idea. Best of luck.

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