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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Phentermine pills results?

Question by Marina: Phentermine pills results? I weight 118 lb..I just started taking the phentemibw pills today! Based on ur experiences how long would it take for me to reach 100lb? Would one bottle 60 capsules be enough? The 37.5mg

Best answer:

Answer by EddySays
Only if you got the pills from a pharmacy with a doctor prescription. True phentermine is only available by prescription and should only be prescribed for short periods for the morbidly obese. So I must assume you got one of the knockoffs. Phentramine, phentremine, phentamine, phetermine, phentamin, and phen375 are all just plays on the legal drug and are not approved drugs. They are classified as dietary supplements.. Most are a blend of herbs, spices, and loaded with caffeine. Phentremine 375 contains capsaicin which is - chili powder. It claims another ingredient is similar to ephedra - a banned weight loss drug. Another is supposed to be chemically related to an amphetamine. Another is just caffeine. They put a bunch of scientific names on a bunch of common names to make it sound impressive or to hide the ingredients. Just another caffeinated diet pill. And not worth the money or possible side effects. Watch the spelling. Luck. Possible side effects of most diet pills Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) Heart complications Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes) Kidney problems Unexplained headaches and dizziness Excessive fatigue Loss of appetite Restlessness, anxiety Nausea, vomiting Seizures

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