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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What is a good weight lose pill?

Question by Nisi: What is a good weight lose pill? Just got the Wii Fit 2 and some weights to use at home since going to the gym after having a baby is not always possible. I need a diet pill, something that won't jeopardize my health and something that will show results. I cut out soda from my diet, limiting my sweets and also watching what I eat. Limited everything to lean meats, lots of veggies and some fruits with some grains and milk at every meal (skim). When I see the weight loss slowing down I get discouraged and need to get back down to my normal size 7 before June for my sisters wedding. Which means I have to go down about 9 dress sizes. I don't want anything that will cut the weight temporarily and once I stop it all comes back.

Best answer:

Answer by Fat Burners
I was using phen375 help me lose weigh really faster ...and i dont see any side effects you can take a look my video testimonials on youtube

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