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Monday, December 23, 2013

Phentermine review plz?

Question by Betsy Boop: Phentermine review plz? want to know your results/ experiences? how long did it take? what was your regimen? any side effects?

Best answer:

Answer by Sweet thanq♥
I am on phentermine I have been since the end of august I weighed 230 & now I weight 193 . I love Phentermine && thank god for it before I was depressed,chronic fatigue & not that happy today I go hangout everywhere with my friends im the happiest ive ever been && im full of energy I stopped taking them for a month or 2 because I lost them in my room after I found them I started taking them again I skip all the time (which isnt good) but I still loose weight I lost that much if you take it as told you will loose double C= side affects-energy,sexual boost,wired you can handle it ;) im 16 & I can handle it C= this will change your life if you have any other questions please feel free to contact me C= goodluck && godbless xoxo

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